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PRF Units and Accesories

MyRGF Box & Instruments with Cassette


Cassette for processing Autologous growth factors concenntrates and to obtain membranes, plugs and PRF exudate for hydration of bone grafts and membranes.

 Highest quality stainless still minstruments. Obligatory instrument! For high quality membranes and constant thickness.

To recover the exudate and use it for hydration of bio-materials and To preserve the membranes, plugs and exudate during surgery for up to 4 hours.

Kit Contains:

1)     1-  PRF Box - For Membranes, plugs and exudate preparation box

2)     1- Mini PRF Bowl

3)     1- Metal Plug Insert for PRF Box

4)     3- Plastic PRF Inserts

5)     1- Bone spoon / plugger

6)     1- Bone Compactor Medium

7)     1- Bone Compactor Small

8)     1- PRF pad / Carrier

9)     1- Double spoon

10)  1- PRF tweezers

11)  1- PRF Scissors

12)  1- Large curved forceps- Giraffe Plier

13)  1- PRF Mini tray

14)  1- PRF Bowl

15)  1- Tube Holder

PRF Sterilization Cassette


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